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Trayvon Martin's Mom Narrowly Loses Political Race, Sends Gratitude to Supporters...
The mothers of Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Tamir Rice talk to CNN's Anderson Cooper about injustice in America....
Touré apologized late Saturday for losing sight of the big picture in a fiery interview with CNN's Piers Morgan about country's inflamed racial tensions in the...
'I am Trayvon Martin' (Official Athem) Artist - Troy D.(LYRICS)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o7iTB9NaNsTrayvon Martin 911 Call - Was This A Crime Of Racism!(9...
In Chile: Bachelet coalition loses in local elections.In the U.S.: Clinton campaigns with the mother of Trayvon martin in North Carolina.In Poland: Pro-choice p...